
This is the story of my journey to bring Willow home from Guatemala. I am now mom to two daughters: Lily (5) who was born in China and Willow (2).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Another July Update

We went to the Twin's game on Sunday. It was adoptive family day at the dome and Bethany had a section for families to chat and reconnect. We made it through the top of the 5th, and to be honest I couldn't believe we made it that long. I'm a half-game girl myself, so I was perfectly content to head out.

Willow couldn't believe Mauer struck out again: Just as things were unraveling, the family down the aisle invited Lily and Willow over for some cotton candy:

We saw The Wizard of Oz at the Stages Theater on Saturday. Lily asked if she could bring her blanket in case she got scared. My little worrier. They both sat great and Lily loved the show. At the end, Lily couldn't bear to get the wicked witch's signature. She adored Glinda.

And last week was the Maple Grove parade. It was so incredible to finally have Willow there with us. I remember last summer, at the parade, hauling a photo of Willow along in my backpack everywhere I went.

I'm so relieved she's here finally! However, let me paint a clear picture: Willow refused to ride in her stroller. Refused. Now, if we had been at a mall or on a walk, I would have given her two choices: walk or ride. But we were part of a procession and had to keep up. The other thing is that there was an audience! I actually gave in and carried that kid for 2 miles. I harbored resentment, but I did carry her for 2 miles. She won't forget it either. I know the next time we're on a walk involving the stroller she will do all she can to fight my options for her. Dang those parades.

Lily loves to pass out candy at the parade. She goes ahead of us, falls behind us, and just keeps throwing candy into the crowd. Well, at one point she got too far behind us and she got scared. She was inconsolable for about a mile, but Willow refused to be anywhere but in my arms. Thankfully, there was Marc! He happily (well, seemingly happily) carried Lily for about a mile. Thank you, Marc!
Willow repeats everything we say now. She stops what she's doing (often, not always) when I count 1....2.... instead of taking the time out at 3. She loves to play with toys and can keep herself busy with any little game/activity/sorting/piling longer than any kid I've ever seen. Her favorite toy is her doll - she loves to put her to sleep, feed her bottles, haul her around in her stroller, and cover her up.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July update

Good bye, Andrew and Matthew! We will miss you next year when you're in Seattle. Lily's soccer:

Yaya's killer athletic instinct she does not have. But Lily has fun at soccer. When we got in the car this night I asked her what she and the "coach" were talking about. She goes "Dinner." It turns out she told her coach we were going to Cub Foods for groceries and getting JoJos for dinner. Her coach told her she was having chicken and rice and carrots for dinner. That's my girl - get the important details of a person's life all figured out!

We had a blast at the cabin over the 4th. Lily preferred driving the jet ski over riding in the tube.

Willow loved hanging out with her uncle and great-uncle:

We camped at Kamp Dels a couple weeks ago. Willow did great in the tent - she did have one knock-down-drag-out tantrum Saturday afternoon by the pool that weekend. She wanted to keep her sandwich box-thing open while she ate and I wanted it shut. I won, but it was a 45 minute fit so violent a stranger asked if I was OK. Picture sweat, drool, tears, food throwing, sandwich smashing, screaming, kicking, stomping, rage.
And then you look at this little mug and wonder if it's possible, right? I want a shirt that says "It's not my fault." At some point I'll take some ownership of her fits, but we're still not to the 4 month mark yet, so I can still blame for a while longer.

Tate was asleep on a pool-side lounge chair, but they all had a blast playing in the pool that weekend. They swam from 10am - 5 pm on Saturday. Oh, and I have the nerve to wonder why Willow had that lunch-time tantrum...
Not only did Lily cook her own dinner, she completely set up the sleeping mats and bags and pillows in our tent when we first arrived. As soon as I had the tent up, Lily begged to "organize" the inside. She pried each mat and bag out of it's tight-fitting bag, matched up the correct bag and pillow for each of the 3 of us, and came out dripping with sweat. Uncle and I asked her over and over: "Lily, don't you want to go swimming with Grace and Tate?" She had all the windows zipped up, so it was about 100 degrees inside the tent. That kid cracks me up.