
This is the story of my journey to bring Willow home from Guatemala. I am now mom to two daughters: Lily (5) who was born in China and Willow (2).

Monday, September 20, 2010


Here are all 7 of us together during the ceremony last Saturday, Sept. 18:

We had a great wedding! The sun was out and the bugs were not. We got married on our deck at 5pm with most of our favorite people.

Lily and Willow had updos done that morning:

Cutting the cake - at our house:

Jeni's picture of our vows:

Lily and Willow walked me down the aisle (Willow kept calling it Iowa):

Lily pulled me to the garage shortly after the ceremony to "talk to me in private". She wanted to know when she should start calling Marc dad. I told her whenever she feels comfortable - today, tomorrow, or when the judge says he's her dad. She's said it twice already - nervous, giggly, and silly.

We all love our new house - it doesn't feel new anymore, aside from the fact that we don't have many pictures on the walls. The girls both regressed terribly for about 2 weeks right when we moved in, after those 2 weeks they've been back to normal.

Lily LOVES first grade, loves her new brothers and sister, and is doing great overall. She's a happy, confident, pleasing little lady. Lily thinks of everyone, all the time. She is thoughtful and sensitive and helpful. I still worry that she worries too much (the irony...). Before we moved into our house she reminded me to check the batteries in the smoke detectors. After we'd lived here a couple weeks she suggested we do a fire drill in the dark ASAP. We saw Wicked last night (Marc, Megan, Lily and I) and Lily cried in terror through most of the 2nd half. Dare devil she is not.

Willow is MUCH more reasonable, but still a challenge. She's funny, stubborn, smart and LOUD.
She thinks Sam walks on water most of the time - unless she doesn't get what she wants, then she's mad at the world. She got the giggles during the ceremony when all the kids were up front and it made everyone giggle. Willow generally has that affect on people.

Marc and I will visit Costa Rica (ALONE) in October. My parents will stay at our house with the girls for 7 days. We are all thrilled to not have any pending "events" - no home sales, no moves, no wedding. We are well aware of the ups downs in the years to come - but for the last 6 months we've been dealing with all of that in addition to the "events". We are thrilled to be where we are - together.