
This is the story of my journey to bring Willow home from Guatemala. I am now mom to two daughters: Lily (5) who was born in China and Willow (2).

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I am pictured below with Senator Klobuchar and my friend Sigrid. Sigrid is a single mom to a beautiful 3 year old daugther from China (who looks exactly like Lily). We met on a walk one day near my old house in Brooklyn Center. She is currently waiting for a baby girl (born last March) from Guatemala (who does NOT look exactly like Willow. Whew!).
I was able to meet with Senator Klobuchar and a large group of parents waiting to adopt from Vietnam and Guatemala today. There is absolutely nothing the American Government can or should do to help us right now, but the Senator assured Guatemala parents that things will be OK. She met with the President Colom and his wife (who is going to play an active role in Guatemalan adoptions) last week and was assured that things in PGN will pick up speed in the coming weeks. I am always eager to participate in these discussions in case I need help at some point and to share Willow's story with anyone willing to listen. I still believe the stall at PGN is necessary right now and I am not arrogant enough to think that we Americans should be given any special treatment. I'd like to believe Willow deserves it, but the truth is that this picture is bigger than either of us.

I was reminded today that this battle is not about finding babies for families, but finding families for babies. This baby has found her family and that is what we are fighting to protect. With all due to respect to the government officials in Guatemala: This baby has found her family and all potential law changes should honor that above all else! Can I just write it one more time, dear reader? THIS BABY HAS FOUND HER FAMILY!