Willow has been MUCH better with Gram. One day this week when I dropped them off over there for summer school, Willow didn't cry at all - she danced around their house and laughed. When I left she waved out the window with a huge smile on her face. Wednesday my mom brought them out to Tom and Gail's and Willow stayed far away from Grammy most of the day. For some reason during the hay ride, she cuddled up and was more connected to her the rest of the day. How is it possible they keep having the same expression? Grammy can't even see Willow's face!
Willow was having a terrible time this night - she was tired and crabby out at yaya's house, but we couldn't leave 'til my dad and Ross had the car top carrier put on my car. So Willow walked around crying inconsolably. She wouldn't let me hold her, she wouldn't lay down and watch a movie - nothing sounded good to her. Then Jen grabbed her favorite book and Willow cuddled up with her and finally relaxed.
Willow went to the doctor yesterday for her 2 year well check. She was a rock star! When we walked in she greeted the receptionists with waves and smiles. Last time (three month ago) she had that heavy chip on her shoulder. They could not believe the difference three months has made in her. They brought both girls behind the counter again for stickers. Three months ago Blanca (holding Willow below) asked Willow about her shoes (in Spanish) and Willow took off her shoes, held them behind her back and shook her finger "no no no" at Blanca. This time Blanca did the same thing, but Willow didn't respond at all. I'm thinking she's already lost Spanish, which makes me sad. Willow was perfectly happy until we walked into the examining room. She must have remembered it because she took one look at that table and shook her finger and said "no no no". Everything the nurse wanted to check (ears, temp., etc.) made Willow cry. When the doctor came in, I asked if we could have Lily up on the table and let her do everything first. As soon as the doctor checked Lily's eyes, Willow was pointed to her own eyes and asking to be checked. Same with her heart, ears, etc.