
This is the story of my journey to bring Willow home from Guatemala. I am now mom to two daughters: Lily (5) who was born in China and Willow (2).

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring is here

We had a bunch of outings this week. The first couple were rough for Willow because she had so many tantrums. Today and yesterday she was great on our outings, which leads me to believe she just had to figure out the same rules apply as at home. One day we went to the Mall of America and she had about 5 major melt downs. One was because her ice cream was too frozen and she couldn't get big bites with her spoon - she cried the whole time she ate it, refused to let me help her, and ended up throwing her cup of ice cream on the floor (then SCREAMED that it was gone). She had another tantrum when I wouldn't carry her - that was in Barnes and Noble. She screamed and layed on the floor several times. I kept patting the stroller and holding out my hand saying "sit or walk, Willow". People would stop and try to cheer her up and she'd make that killer face and shake her finger at them. She knows at home if she throws food she gets down from the table, but this was a new setting so it seems like she had to test the rules. We went to the zoo yesterday and she never once tried to get me to carry her -she either walked holding my hand or sat happily in the stroller.

We spent Wednesday afternoon/evening at Gail and Tom's farm. Lily has spent so many days here with grammy, that she knew exactly what to do all over the property. She walked up to this rusty, mysterious apparatus and started shoving corn cobs into it (the corn cobs she gathered up off the floor of the chicken coop). I was just staring with my mouth open. Then she cranked the handle and all the corn fell off into the bucket she placed beneath:Then she showed Willow how to pour the corn into this contraption to grind the corn into meal to feed the... I can't remember what animal she was going to feed this actually. Willow mostly wanted me to hold her around all the chickens and other animals. She did crack up every time she heard an animal talk. These buffalo take my breath away, but Lily just hauls around these huge buckets of corn and tosses it over the fence like it's nothing. Willow got inspired, just once, to get off my lap to feed the buffalo like her big sister:
Yup. Gail just picked her up and handed her corn. It lasted for about 1 minute before Willow started hollering and reaching for me. YEA Gail!
We went to the zoo yesterday with yaya, grammy, Grace and Tate. Willow didn't have one melt down! She was happy and fun all day long. She let Grace hold her hand the whole way back to the car and she cracked up every time Tate did one of his hilarious stunts. During the bird show she got scared of an owl and he started doing the robotic dance - Willow cracked up. He'd hit himself in the head and she'd laugh. He'd pretend to fall down and she'd laugh. Etc. etc.
Grace and Willow (yaya got this picture):
This morning we went to the Nature Center for an Easter party. Lily was excited to show Willow the frogs and turtles and snakes:

Then a giant rabbit lead the egg hunt through the woods. The kids were supposed to LOOK for eggs hidden in the woods, but not touch. Lily ran with the bigger kids and Willow had a blast pointing to the bright, plastic eggs she spotted as we walked. At the very end of the hike, the kids were allowed to find two plastic eggs:

Then they exchanged these eggs with the giant rabbit for eggs with treats in them:

Then we colored our hard-boiled eggs in dyes made with natural pigments (berries, spices and herbs):
Willow was upset about a couple things. 1. She didn't enjoy the shirt she had to wear over her clothes for the dying. 2. She didn't want to dye any eggs (here she's shaking her finger at me for offering her an egg). I ended up just taking her shirt off and handing her a plain, white egg. She never did have a tantrum though - PROGRESS!
She loved her plain, white egg:

After the eggs were dyed, they got to color them:
Lily spent about 20 minutes petting the real bunnies. Willow loved watching Lily pet the bunnies, but didn't ever get close enough to touch them herself.
They each got to decorate a little cup and plant some grass seed to take home to grow:

And Willow loved digging in the sand table:

Tomorrow Lily's spending the day with Grace and Tate and Grammy. Willow and I will get some alone time. It's a treat for all of us! Thanks, grammy.

Willow is doing much more communicating with us. Tonight she patted Lily's bed and said "night night", so Lily climbed in and let Willow tuck her in. Then Willow puckered up and pointed to her mouth so Lily would give her a kiss goodnight. It was so cute because there was a LOT of exchange going on that she can only do because she's been with us long enough to know that routine. Willow has also started narking on her sister, which is awesome because she knows I'll protect her just like I protect Lily. She comes in the room hollering "La La" at me (that's how she pronounces Lily) and points to whatever part of her body Lily injured. I go in and tell Lily "Be nice to Willow, Lily!" just like I tell Willow every time she clobbers Lily. My favorite part of the whole thing is that Willow is learning how to communicate with us.

Happy Easter, everybody!