
This is the story of my journey to bring Willow home from Guatemala. I am now mom to two daughters: Lily (5) who was born in China and Willow (2).

Friday, January 30, 2009

Possible timeline

My attorney did not pick up the completed birth certificate until Wednesday, although it was ready last Friday. We lost nearly a week waiting! Here's what could be coming next:
  • By Friday Feb. 6: Birth Certificate documents translated
  • Early the following week: DNA sample taken AND Willow's passport completed
  • Two weeks after the DNA is taken, the results should arrive at the embassy in Guat. and they should email me with a date to be there (I'll get 5-7 days notice).

There's still a slim chance I could travel before the end of February, but it's looking more like early March every day. Each day feels like a year. Seriously - a couple days this week I felt paralyzed staring at my computer waiting for some news about that stupid birth certificate.

Tomorrow Willow's bed arrives. I'm going to spend some time this weekend getting the bedroom ready to get my mind off waiting. Lily is terrified of switching rooms and I finally gave in tonight deciding to put it off for a few more weeks. She doesn't want to sleep in there without her sister - I was thinking it would be nice for her to transition before Willow arrives so it's one less change in Lily's life. She strongly disagrees with me, so she's sleeping in her current room for a while longer.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Birth Certificate MAY BE approved

Thank you for all the thoughtful emails and messages - so many were eagerly waiting with me for Friday's word. Here's the deal:

My agency called the birth certificate office on Friday and they said the birth certificate is ready. So they called my attorney to tell him it's ready to be picked up. He told them he was on his way there to pick it up and he would get a copy to them on Monday. I should be relieved, but my agency has been both wrong and lied to far too many times for me to get excited without PROOF. So, yes I got good news, but no I don't believe it yet. Maybe I'll get some proof on Monday. I will post it the minute I hear something. Remember, after the birth certificate is done, I should be holding that kid 4 weeks later!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Willow's Temperament

Sandra sent me a lovely email today. Although she can not divulge information regarding the legalities of my case, I am hopeful that we'll get that birth certificate this Friday. They only release files on Friday.

She explains that Pili becomes more "restless" each day. Sandra believes that I will have to "keep many energies for when she is with us." She describes Pili as "very jealous": when someone gives affection to Veronica or Sandra, Pili pushes them away and rejects them - she has done this since she was tiny. She prays a lot that Pili will get along well with Lily in light of this quality. She writes that she does not want to worry/frighten me, but wants to prepare me for the "form" of Pili. Also, she explains that the foster family says Pili does what she wants because they have consented to her, but Sandra says she "does what she wants" because this is her personality and character since she was tiny. (Gulp)

Because our time together will be limited when Willow is delivered to me, Sandra hopes to continue passing details and routines on to me while we wait out these final weeks. I am grateful. I'm happy to know ahead of time that I should attempt to "keep many energies."

Let's all chant together: FRIDAY! FRIDAY! FRIDAY! FRIDAY! Please let this be the week we're done waiting for paperwork.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hopefully this was our last Christmas without Willow. Here are some of Lily's highlights:

Lots of time to hang out at home with her new stuff: We went skating a few times on the pond behind our house:

We met Beamer in Red Wing to exchange gifts. Check out the Hannah Montana "batar":

Ice fishing with Papa (the highlight was when a fish jumped back out of the hole and into the ice house):

We got some time with Traelyn (Lily's friend from the same orphanage):

And a day at Gail and Tom's farm with lots of sleigh rides with Gracie:

Lily's favorite place (my bed):

Sandra sent me an email this week giving some Spanish words she thinks will help Willow:
Leche (milk)
Agua (water)
Bebe (baby)
Pelota (I can't remember)
Globo (balloon)
Arroz (rice)
Pan (bread)
Perro (dog)
Zapatos (shoes)
Pacha (bottle)
And she suggested I bring a little photo album with al the pictures she's sent to me and practice saying "Que nene tan linda" ("What a nice baby" I think). I love these little details and the fact that they love her so much they want to help us like this.
My attorney says that I'll begin my next 15 day wait on January 14.