Lots of time to hang out at home with her new stuff: We went skating a few times on the pond behind our house:
We met Beamer in Red Wing to exchange gifts. Check out the Hannah Montana "batar":
Ice fishing with Papa (the highlight was when a fish jumped back out of the hole and into the ice house):
We got some time with Traelyn (Lily's friend from the same orphanage):
And a day at Gail and Tom's farm with lots of sleigh rides with Gracie:
And a day at Gail and Tom's farm with lots of sleigh rides with Gracie:
Lily's favorite place (my bed):
Leche (milk)
Agua (water)
Bebe (baby)
Pelota (I can't remember)
Globo (balloon)
Arroz (rice)
Pan (bread)
Perro (dog)
Zapatos (shoes)
Pacha (bottle)
And she suggested I bring a little photo album with al the pictures she's sent to me and practice saying "Que nene tan linda" ("What a nice baby" I think). I love these little details and the fact that they love her so much they want to help us like this.
My attorney says that I'll begin my next 15 day wait on January 14.