- By Friday Feb. 6: Birth Certificate documents translated
- Early the following week: DNA sample taken AND Willow's passport completed
- Two weeks after the DNA is taken, the results should arrive at the embassy in Guat. and they should email me with a date to be there (I'll get 5-7 days notice).
There's still a slim chance I could travel before the end of February, but it's looking more like early March every day. Each day feels like a year. Seriously - a couple days this week I felt paralyzed staring at my computer waiting for some news about that stupid birth certificate.
Tomorrow Willow's bed arrives. I'm going to spend some time this weekend getting the bedroom ready to get my mind off waiting. Lily is terrified of switching rooms and I finally gave in tonight deciding to put it off for a few more weeks. She doesn't want to sleep in there without her sister - I was thinking it would be nice for her to transition before Willow arrives so it's one less change in Lily's life. She strongly disagrees with me, so she's sleeping in her current room for a while longer.